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The Statement has moved!

Writer: MGA Student MediaMGA Student Media

Things are changing rapidly in our modern world. Instead of going to a brick-and-mortar store to buy CDs, most people now stream their favorite music from the internet. The same holds true for TV shows and movies, with many studios now having an online presence from which audiences can stream their video products. Another example of a medium that is making a shift from what was once the norm is newspapers. It used to be that newspapers were delivered to readers’ front lawns early in the morning so that moms and dads could read the news over breakfast and keep up with current events in that manner. Now, the news is delivered directly to one’s email inbox, and stories are updated as they happen, making it easier for the average Joe to keep in-the-know.

The Statement, your student newspaper, is also making the conversion to an online presence. While we’ve had a website for a few years now, this semester is the first time that we have offered a wholly online experience instead of relying mainly on the print version to get our stories out to students and faculty. The site is currently maintained by student editor Jordan J. Pridgeon, whose name should be familiar to anyone who has picked up a copy of the paper in the past few semesters. Under Jordan’s supervision, there is a dynamic staff of writers who are dedicated to bringing you all the information on all 5 campuses of MGA.

“We’re hoping this transition will bring the community at all Middle Georgia campuses together and get more students involved in The Statement.” Said Pridgeon.

The future is bright for The Statement, and our staff is excited to bring you the latest in entertainment, notable events, and important stories every week on our new website.



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